Senin, 02 Januari 2012

my 1st posting in 2012 :)

in this new years, i think i should try to using this blog again, sharing stories, activities,or just posting a photo hehe
ya.. i am using to tweet some tweets in twitter, but now, twitter is kinda boring things, not a twitter actually,but the people there.. beside that, i want to waste my time to blogging again(I'm on semester holiday now) because there's nothing fun activities i do beside sleeping,eating,going somewhere like my English course,mall,and friend's house.. maybe now i need to find new hobby..=D
in this my first posting in 2012, i would like to tell you about my business w/my best friendnemy->Lippo. we have a business something like an online shop, we sell import accessories directly from Korea, Hongkong, and China (you can see our accessories collection in here) with the cheapest price. First, I made a group in BBM to share the accessories and invite my friends to join in our group,Thank God (now) I have many customers =D after the bbm group, I share the accessories on Facebook (for everyone who doesn't have BB) and I just get a few customers there..:( wish us have many customers in this years ya!!=D i hope me&lippo never feel badmood again,keep trusting each other, stop being annoying(for lippo:D) so this  business will keep growing and get much money(hehe). Amiin.
(about 'how i can made this business with lippo' i think I'm going to make a posting about it someday)

so,that's a introducing post from me..thank you for reading mine
and.. Happy New Year to you all.. =*

Jumat, 23 September 2011

have you ever want something and you cant reach it at that time, and you feel hurt, your heart got broke and there’s only two chances, forget or keep trying..
and when you choose one of that chances, something that you really want on that time is coming to feel so very happy.  Yeah, The new things is always make you excited.. tapi dengan jalannya waktu.. there’s new things come to change the old one.. maybe because you get bored..or you just don’t need it again..
I’m confused and doubt.. I’m in that situation.. I don’t wanna feel bored with him, I don’t wanna throw him. I wanna still keep him, I want him to always beside me.. but deep on my heart said that.. I don’t want him again. L
If you read this, you must know.. You’re everything to me right now.. maybe I just should enjoy this time with you..yeah I’m trying. Because who knows, someday you will leave me, and I want you again..and you don’t need me.. time always running.


Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

welcoming the holy month of Ramadhan 1432 H
Happy fasting everyone!