Senin, 02 Januari 2012

my 1st posting in 2012 :)

in this new years, i think i should try to using this blog again, sharing stories, activities,or just posting a photo hehe
ya.. i am using to tweet some tweets in twitter, but now, twitter is kinda boring things, not a twitter actually,but the people there.. beside that, i want to waste my time to blogging again(I'm on semester holiday now) because there's nothing fun activities i do beside sleeping,eating,going somewhere like my English course,mall,and friend's house.. maybe now i need to find new hobby..=D
in this my first posting in 2012, i would like to tell you about my business w/my best friendnemy->Lippo. we have a business something like an online shop, we sell import accessories directly from Korea, Hongkong, and China (you can see our accessories collection in here) with the cheapest price. First, I made a group in BBM to share the accessories and invite my friends to join in our group,Thank God (now) I have many customers =D after the bbm group, I share the accessories on Facebook (for everyone who doesn't have BB) and I just get a few customers there..:( wish us have many customers in this years ya!!=D i hope me&lippo never feel badmood again,keep trusting each other, stop being annoying(for lippo:D) so this  business will keep growing and get much money(hehe). Amiin.
(about 'how i can made this business with lippo' i think I'm going to make a posting about it someday)

so,that's a introducing post from me..thank you for reading mine
and.. Happy New Year to you all.. =*

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