Jumat, 23 September 2011

have you ever want something and you cant reach it at that time, and you feel hurt, your heart got broke and there’s only two chances, forget or keep trying..
and when you choose one of that chances, something that you really want on that time is coming to you..you feel so very happy.  Yeah, The new things is always make you excited.. tapi dengan jalannya waktu.. there’s new things come to change the old one.. maybe because you get bored..or you just don’t need it again..
I’m confused and doubt.. I’m in that situation.. I don’t wanna feel bored with him, I don’t wanna throw him. I wanna still keep him, I want him to always beside me.. but deep on my heart said that.. I don’t want him again. L
If you read this, you must know.. You’re everything to me right now.. maybe I just should enjoy this time with you..yeah I’m trying. Because who knows, someday you will leave me, and I want you again..and you don’t need me.. time always running.


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